%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Llangollen Market B:Singing Together, Spring 1970, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:C A2 |E2A2 A2B2 |c4 B2B2 |A2c2 B2A2 | (^G4E2) w:Be-yond the dis-tant moun-tains on May-day of this year_ B2 |c2B2 c2d2 |e4 e2d2 |d2B2 A2^G2 | A6 w:My sol-dier boy went march-ing and left me lone-ly here. c2 |c3e c2e2 |d4 B2B2 |c3c e2A2 | ^G6 w:The flow-ers in the mead-ow are beau-ti-ful to see, A2 |E2F2 E2D2 |(C3D) E2E2 |A2A2 ^G2(AB) | A6 z2 |] w: But I'll not know the spring-*time till he comes back to_ me.