%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Who will you give me to sail away? B:Singing Together, Autumn 1972, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:G G2 G GFD |F2 G A2 c |B2 G A2 F |G3-Gz w:"Who'll you give me to sail a-way, And fare a-cross the sea?"_ D |G2 G GFD |F2 G A2 c |B2 G A2 F |G3-Gz w: "I'll give you James_ to sail a-way, And fare a-cross the sea?" _ B |d2 d d2 c |B2 c A2 c |B2 G AAG |F2 D D2 w:"A shep-herd he of fair-est face, A splen-did fel-low in ev-'ry place, D |G2 G (GF)D |F2 G (AB)c |B2 G A2 F |G3-Gz2 |] w:At jig and reel_ he sets the pace_ My sweet-heart true is he!"_