%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Carnal and the Crane B:Bushes and Briars, Ed Roy Palmer, ISBN 1-86143-072-8 S:Mrs Hirons, The Haven, Dilwyn, Hertfordshire, 1909 Z:Ralph Vaughan Williams, BL MSS 54187/91. 1, 282 F:http://www.folksongs.org/songs M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Gdor (D3/2F/) |G2 (G3/2A/) B2 D2 |F2 D4 D2 |GG (GA) B2 cc | w:As_ I walked_ out one morn-ing A lit-tle be- fore it was A6 (A3/2c/) |d3 c B2 (AG) |(FB) c4 Bc/c/ |d3 c (BG) A2 | w:day, I_ heard a con- ver-- sa-- tion Be-tween a car-nal and_ a G6 z2 |] w:crane.