%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Jesus, Jesus, Rest your Head B:Singing Together, Autumn 1965, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:E E2 E2 E2 F2 |G2 A2 B4 |E2 E2 E2 F2 |G2 A2 B4 | w:Je-sus, Je-sus, rest your head; You has got a man-ger bed. c2 c2 B2 B2 |A2 A2 G4 |c2 c2 B2 B2 |e2 (dc) B4 | w:All the e-vil folk on earth Sleep in feath-ers at their_ birth. E2 E2 E2 F2 |G2 A2 B4 |E2 E2 E2 G2 |F2 B,2 E4 | w:Je-sus, Je-sus rest your head; You has got a man-ger bed. G2 c2 B2 G2 |E2 F2 G2 G2 |C2 E2 F2 G2 |F2 D2 C4 | w:Have you heard a-bout our Je-sus? Have you heard a-bout his fate? G2 c2 B2 G2 |E2 EF G2 G2 |C2 E2 F2 G2 |F2 D2 C4 | w:How his mam-my went to that sta-ble On that Christ-mas Eve so late? c2 c2 c2 B2 |e2 B2 B2 A2 |G2 G2 F2 F2 |G2 G2 F2 F2 |] w:Winds were blow-ing, Cows were low-ing, Stars were glow-ing, glow-ing, glow-ing.