%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Simple Ploughboy B:Songs Of The West, S Baring Gould S:Taken down from J Masters, F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Bm F G|A B A F E D E F|B3/2 A/2 B3/2 c/2 B2 d c|B e d c B3/2 A/2 B c|B4z2e e|f e d c B2d B|A B A F (E D) F A|d B A F E D E F|D2B3/2 B/2 B2d B|A F E D E3/2 D/2 E F|D6|] w:O the Plough-boy was a plough-ing With his hor-ses on the plain. And was sing-ing of a song as on went he. "Since that I have fall'n in love, If the par-ents dis-ap-prove,_ 'Tis the first thing that will send me to the sea", to the sea, 'Tis the first thing that will send me to the sea.