%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Drowned Lover B:Songs Of The West, S Baring-Gould S:Taken down from James Parsons F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:3/4 L:1/8 K:Bb F2|B2d2c2|B2F2D2|F2G2(FE)|D4D D|(E3G) A B|c2c2B2|A2A2G2|F4A B|c2c2c2|f2=e2d2|c2c2B2|A4A2|B2c2B2|B3F F2|G B3G2|F4G A|B3F D F|B,4Bc|d2(cB) G B|F4G A|B F3D2|E e3d2|c3B A2|B6|] w:As I was a-wal-king down by the sea_shore, Where the winds_ whis-tled high, and the wa-ters did roar, Where the winds whis-tled high, and the waves raged a-round. I heard a fair maid make a pit-ti-ful sound, Cry-ing, O! my love is drowned! My_ love must_ I de-plore! And I ne-ver, O! ne-ver Shall see my love more!