%%scale 1 X:1 T:Poor Paddy works on the Railway B:S Hugill, 1994, Shanties from the Seven Seas,Mystic Seaport Museum, Conn. Z:Stan Hugill Q:1/4=120 %Tempo M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:F c2 B |A2 A AGF |A2 B c2 c |FFF B2 A | GFG HC w:Oh, in eight-een hun-dred an' for-ty one, Me dung-ga-ree breech-es I_ put on, cB |AAA AGF |A2 B c2 A |B2 A G2 F |G2 F E2 w:Oh me dun-ga-ree breech-_es I put one, To work up-on the rail- way,_ D |E2 D HC2 C |E2 F G2 A |B2 d Hc w: The rail-_way, I'm wear-y of the rail-_way, cB |AGF GFE |F2 F |] w:Oh poor Pad-dy_ works on the rail-way.