%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Blue Kerchief. B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould. S:John Woodrich (Ginger Jack) M:6/8 L:1/8 K:Eb (E1/2F1/2)|E E c B G3/2 F1/2|E E F E2 G| w:I *saw a sweet mai-den trip o-ver the lea, Her G G F F B c|d B c B2 (G1/2B1/2)| w:eyes were as load-stones at-tract-ing of me. Her B G B (c1/2d1/2) e (e1/2d1/2)|c B G F2 E1/2 G1/2| w:cheeks were the ro-*ses, that *Cup-id lurks in, With a B B (e1/2d1/2) (c1/2B1/2) G B,|B, D (F1/2G1/2) G2 z| w:bon-ny *blue ker-*chief tied un-der her*chin.