%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Chimney Sweep. B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould. S: M:2/4 L:1/8 K:Ab E|A2 c3/2 B1/2|A2 (E3/2D1/2)|C D E F|E2 (e3/2d1/2)| w:Oh! sweep chim-ney sweep! You *mai-dens shake off sleep, If c3/2 B1/2 c d|c B z E|A A A A|F3 F1/2 F1/2| w:you my cry can fol-low. I climb the chim-ney top, With-out d B B F|(AG) A B|c2 A c|(BAGF|EDCB,| w:lad-der with-out rope; *Aye and there! aye and there! A,2) E E|A2 F F|B2 G2|A A z| w:*Aye and there you shall hear me hal-loo!