%%scale 1 X:1 T:Who'll be King but Charlie. B:The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs. S: M:6/8 L:1/8 K:F (D2 E)||F2 D D C A,|F2 D D C A,| w:Come *round the hea-ther, Come o'er the hea-ther, You're C2 D F2 A,|C3 C2 D|F2 G A2 d| w:wel-come late and ear-ly, A-round him fling your c2 A G2 A|F2 D (ED) C|D3 D3|| w:roy-al king, For who'll be king *but Char-lie. F2 D F2 G|A2 ^c A3|F2 F G2 G| w:Char-lie likes to kiss the girls, Char-lie likes the A3 A,2 z|F2 G A2 d|c2 A G2 A| w:bran-dy, Char-lie likes to kiss the girls When F2 D (ED) C|D3 D2 E|| w:e-ver they *come han-dy. Come