%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Rambling Sailor B:Garners Gay, EFDS, 1967 S:William Bartle, Bedfordshire (1962?) Z:Fred Hamer F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 L:1/8 K:GMix d2 |G2 G2 d2 d2 |G2 G2 d2 g2 |f2 e2 d2 cd | w:I've sailed the seas, fought bat-tles too, Long time I've ploughed the_ e2 d4 d2 |G2 dd B2 A2 |G2 G2 d2 g2 |f2 e2 d2 c2 | w:o-cean, I've fought for my Queen and coun-try too, Won med-als and pro- G2 G3-G2 G |d2 d2 g2 gg |dd d2 g2 g2 |f2 e2 d2 (cd) | w:mo-tion,* But now I've bid ship_ mates_ a-dieu, I've left be-hind both_ ee (fe) d2 d2 |G2 d2 c2 A2 |G2 G2 d2 g2 |f2 ee d2 c2 | w:ship_ and_ crew, To travel the coun-try through and through, And be a_ ramb-ling G2 G4 z2 |] w:sail-or.