%%scale 1 X:1 T:I'll Mount the Air on Swallow's Wings [The Loyal Lover] F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:A Dorset Book of Folk Songs, EFDSS, 1958 S:Mrs Crawford, West Milton Z:H.E.D. Hammond M:3/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:C G2 |A B c2 d2 |c B A2 G2 |E D C2 C2 | G4 w:I'll mount the air on swal-low's wings To find my dear-est dear, G2 |A B c2 d2 |cB A2 F2 |A G c2 E2 | G4 w:And if I loose my la-*bour and can-not find him there, G2 |A B c2 d2 |c B A2 G2 |E D C2 C2 | A4 w:I quick-ly will be-come a fish To search the roar-ing sea; G2 |c B A2 G2 |A B c2 A2 |G E D2 E2 | C4 |] w:I love my love be-cause I know My lo-ver he loves me.