%%scale 1 X:1 T:Blue Muslin. F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould. S:Words and music from John Woodrich, blacksmith. M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G D| G G3/4 G1/4 G G3/4 G1/4|B3/4 A1/4 B3/4 A1/4 G G| w:"O will you ac-cept of the mus-e lin so blue, To B1/2 B1/2 B3/4 B1/4 B3/4 B1/4 A3/4 B1/4|d3/4 e1/4 d3/4 e1/4 d d1/2 d1/2| w:wear all in the morn ing, and to dab-ble in the dew?" "No, I e e3/4 c1/4 d d3/4 B1/4|c3/4 c1/4 d3/4 c1/4 B B| w:will not ac-cept of the mus-e-lin so blue, To c3/4 B1/4 c3/4 B1/4 A3/4 B1/4 c3/4 d1/4|e3/4 d1/4 c3/4 B1/4 A G3/4 A1/4| w:wear all in the morn-ing, and to dab-ble in the dew, Nor I'll B A3/4 B1/4 c A| G3|| w:walk nor I'll talk with you." e3/4 e1/4 e3/4 c1/4 e e|d3/4 d1/4 d3/4 B1/4 d d3/4 d1/4| w:"When you might you would not, Now you will you shall not, So e3/2 c1/2 d3/2 B1/2| c A G2|| w:fare-you-well my dark-eyed Sue."