%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Months of the year. F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould S: M:6/8 L:1/4 K:Eb E E1/2 E E1/2|e3/2 B1/2 B1/2 c1/2|_d c1/2 c B1/2|A3/2 z A1/2| w:First comes Jan-u-a-ry When the sun lies ve-ry low; I B3/4 B1/4 B1/2 G E1/2|A3/2-A c1/2|B E1/2 D E1/2|F3/2 z B1/2| w:see in the farm-er's yard-The cat-tle feed on stro'; The B B1/2 G1/2 G1/2 A1/2|F3/2 D B,1/2|E E1/2 F G1/2|A3/2 B3/2| w:wea-ther be-ing so cold While the snow lies on the ground, There c1/2 d1/2 e1/2 d e1/2|c B1/2 G E1/2|(F1/2G1/2) A1/2 F D1/2|E3/2-E z1/2|| w: will be an-o-ther change of moon Be-fore *the year comes round.