%%scale 1 X:1 T:Old Wichet F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould. S:Thomas Darke of Whitstone. M:4/4 L:1/4 K:Eb G|E3/2 E1/2 F E|C C2 c|c3/2 =B c d| e3 f| w:I went in-to ny stable *to see what I might see, And e c B G|E F G3/2 C1/2|C3/2 C1/2 C3/2 D1/2|E3 (C/D/)| w:there I saw three horses *stand, by one, by two, by three. I E3/2 F1/2 E D|C1/2 C3/2 C c|c3/2 c1/2 c =B|c3 c| w:call'd unto *my lov-ing wife, and "Coming, *Sir!" said she, "O e3/2 f1/2 e c|B G E3/2 F1/2|G3/2 F1/2 E D|E3|| w:what do these three horses *here with-out the leave of me?" (C/D/)|E2 C2|E2 C2|c c c1/2 c1/2 =B|c3 c| w:"Why, *old, fool, blind fool! can't you very *well see, That (e3/2 f1/2) e c|B G E3/2 F1/2|G3/2 F1/2 E D|E3 z| w:these *are three milk--ing cows my mot-her sent to me?" c2 c2|c3/2 =B1/2 c2|C c c =B|c d e c| w:"Hey boys! Fill the cup! Milking *cows with sad-dles up, The e c d =B|c3 _B|c3/2 B1/2 c d|B3 e| w:like was never *known, the like was nev-er known." Old e f e c|B G E3/2 F1/2|G3/2 F1/2 E D|E3 z|| w:Wich-et went a nood-le out, a nood-le he came home.