%%scale 0.75 X:1 T:The Tailor and the Carrion Crow B:Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, Dec 1934 Z:George Hill S:George Hill, Dursley, Glos. F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs Q:1/4=80 %Tempo M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:C G2 |c2 c c B2 B B |A A A A G4 | w:An old car'-ron crow was a sit-ting on an oak, C D F G A F E | D4 C2 C | w:Fal de lal a did-dle o-a-di-do, G2 c2 c c B2 B B |A A A A G4 | w: A watch-ing a tail-or a-cut-ting out a coat, C D E F G A G E | D4 C2 w:Fal de lal a did-dle o-a-di-do. G2 |c2 c c e2 c c |B A B B d3 w:An old car'-ron crow was a-sit-ting on an oak B |c2 c c e2 c c | B A B c d2 w:A-watch-ing a tail-or a-cut-ting out a coat; B B |c2 c c B2 B B |A G A c D4 | Hz8 | w:Says the old car'-ron crow still a-sit-ting on an oak, PORK C D E F G A G E |D4 C2 |] w:Fal de lal a did-dle o-a-di-do.