%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Bonny Bunch of Roses B:Traditional Ballad Airs, W. Christie. Vol.II, 1881, p.232. S:"A native of Aberdeenshire", 1850. L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 M:4/4 K:C G|c2 (d3/f/) (e3/c/)(d3/B/)|c3 A {A} G2 (FE)|~F2 (GA) (_BA)(GF)| w:Near by the_ swell_ing_ o-cea-an, One_ morn-ing_ in_ the_ {F}E2 C2 C3 G|c2 (d3/f/) (e3/c/)(d3/B/)|(c3 A) {A}G2 (FE)|~F2 (GA) (_BA)(GF)| w:month of June, While fea-the'd_ warb_ling_ song_sters Their_ charm-ing_ notes_ did_ {F}E2 C2 C2 z (D3/4E/4)|F3 E F2 (GA)|(_B3 A) G2 (F3/E/)| w:sweet-ly tune, I_ o-ver heard a_ la_dy La_ F2 G2 c2 (d3/f/)|e2 d2{cd} c3 G|c2 (d3/f/) (e3/c/)(d3/B/)| w:ment-ing in sad_ grief and woe, And talk-ing_ with_ young_ c3 A {A}G2 (FE)|~F2 GA _BAGF|{F}E2 C2 C4 z|] w:Bo-na-parte Con_cern-ing the bon-ny Bunch of Ros-es, O.