%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Gipsy Countess Part 1. F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould. S:James Parsons M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G E|E2 B B2 A|B2 B E2 F|G2 A B2 c|d2 d B2 B| w:There came an Earl a-rid-ing by, A gip-sy maid es-py-ed he; "O G2 G A2 A|B2 Be2 e|d2 B A2 (G1/2A1/2)|B2 E E2 E| w:nut-brown maid, from green wood-glade O pri-thee come a-*long with me" "In B2 B (BA) G|F2 E B2 B|c2 B A2 G|F2 E ^D2 G1/2 G1/2| w:green-wood glade *fair Sir!" she said "I am so blythe, as bird so gay. In thy E2 F G2 A|B2 (^c1/2^d1/2) e2 e|d2 B A2 (G1/2A1/2)|B2 E E2 z|| w:castle *tall, in bow'r and hall, I *fear for grief I'd *pine a-way."