%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Gipsy Countess Part 11 F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould. S:Melody from John Woodrich. M:4/4 L:1/4 K:Eb B|B3/2 G1/2 B B1/2 A1/2|G F E3/2 E1/2|e (e1/2d1/2) c f|d B B3/2 B1/2| w:Three Gip-sies stood at the Castle *gate, They sang so *high, they sang so low, The e3/2 d1/2 c B1/2 B1/2|(d1/2c1/2) B1/2G1/2) E F|G c F B1/2 A1/2|G E E3/2 E1/2| w:la-dy sate in her cham-*ber *late, Her heart it melt-ed a-way as snow, A G B B3/2 G1/2|A c c3/2 d1/2|e (d1/2c1/2) B1/2c1/2) B1/2 A1/2|G E E z|| w:way as snow, A-way as snow, Her heart it *melt-*ed a-way as snow.