%%scale 1 X:1 T:John Peel. S:Scottish Students Song Book. M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Eb GG|B3/2 B1/2 B2 G2 G G|B2 B2G2 w:D' ye ken* John Peel with his coat so gay, G G|A2 A2 F2 F F|A2 A A F2 w:D' ye ken John Peel at the break of the day, F F | E2 E2 e2 ed|c2 c3/2 c1/2 B2 w:D' ye ken John Peel when he's far far a-way, A G|c2 A F E2 D D |F4 E2| w:With his hounds and his horn in the morn-ing? G G|B2 B B G2 G2|B2 B B G2 w:For the sound of his horn brought me from my bed, G G|A2 A A F2 F F|A2 A2 F2 z2| w:And the cry of his hounds which he oft-times led; E2 E3/2 E1/2 e2 e d|c2 c3/2 c1/2 B2 w:Peel's view hal-loo would a-wak-en the dead, A G|c2 A F E2 D D|F4 E2|] w:Or the fox from his lair in the morn-ing.