%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Vicar of Bray B:Sabine Baring Gould, 1895, Old English Songs from English Minstrelsie, 1895 F: http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:D A2 |d2 (cB) A2 B2 |G2 A2 F2 G2 |A2 D2 G2 F2 | E4 D2 w:In good King_ Char-les's gold-en days, When loy-al-ty no harm meant, A2 |d2 (cB) A2 B2 |G2 A2 F2 G2 |A2 D2 G2 F2 | E4 D2 w: A zea-lous_ High Church-man was I, And so I got pre-fer-ment; A2 |d2 B2 c2 A2 |d2 (cB) c2 A2 |d2 (cd) e2 (dc) | B4 A2 w:To teach my flock I nev-er_ miss'd, Kings were by_ God ap-*point-ed, A2 |d2 (cB) A2 B2 |G2 A2 F2 G2 |A2 D2 G2 F2 |E4 D2 w:And damn'd are_ those that do re-sist, Or touch the Lord's a-noint-ed. A2 |d2 cB c2 A2 |d2 cB c2 A2 |d2 cd e2 (dc) | B4 A2 w:And this is_ law that I'll main--tain Un-til my_ dy-ing_ day, Sir, A2 |d2 (cB) A2 B2 |G2 A2 F2 G2 |A2 DD GG F2 | E4 D2 |] w:That what-so-*ev-er king may reign, Still I'll be the Vic-ar of Bray, Sir