%%scale 1 X:1 %Music B:Patterson, D W, 1979, The Shaker Spiritual, Princeton University Press, New Jersey Z:Daniel W Patterson F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs T:Royal Proclamation M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:C C6 E2 |G6 G2 |A4 c4 |A4 G4 | w:Hear the roy-al pro-cla-ma-tion, G4 G4 |E4 G4 |A4 A4 |A4 G4 | w:The glad tid-ings of sal-va-tion, c6 d2 |c2A2 G4 |c4 c2d2 |c2A2 G4 | w:Pub-lish-ing_ to eve-ry_ crea-*ture, A6 G2 |A2B2 c2A2 |G4 E4 |D2C2 A,4 | w:To the ru-*in'd_ sons of na--ture; C6 D2 |C6 D2 |E4 G4 |E2D2 C4 | w:Je-sus reigns, he reigns vic-tor-i-ous, A6 G2 |A2B2 c2A2 |G4 E4 |D2C2 A,4 | w:O-ver heav'n_ and_ earth most glor-i-ous, C6 D2 |C8 |] w:Je-sus reigns