%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Johnnie Sangster B:Milner D,Kaplan P, 1983,Songs of England,Ireland and Scotland,Oak,New York F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs S:J Ord, Bothy Songs and Ballads M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:C clef=treble A, |A,2 A, A,2 A, |G,2 G, G,2 C |A,2 A, C2 A, | D3 D2 w:O' a' the sea-sons o' the year when we maun work the sair-est, C |A,2 A, A,2 A, |G,2 G, G, D z |A,2 A, C2 A, | D3 D3-|D3 z2 w:The hair-vest is the fore-most time and yet it is the rar-est.* C |D2 E F2 D |G2 F E2 C | D2 E F2 D |E3 D3-|D3 z2 w:We rise as seen as morn-in' licht Nae crat-ers can be blyth-er.* C |D2 E F2 D | G2 F E2 C |D2 C A,2 C |D3 D2 w: We buck-le on oor fin-ger-steels and fol-lowed out the scyth-er. C |A,3 A,/F,/ z2 | G,3 C/C/ z2 |A,3 C2 A, |D3 D3-|D3 w: For you, John-nie, you, John-nie, you, John-nie Sang-ster!* C3 |A,2 A, A,2 A, |A,2 A, G,2 C |A,2 A, C2 A, |D3 D3-|D3 |] w:I'll trim the gav-el o' my sheaf for ye're the gal-lant band-ster.*