%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:All the little chickens in the Garden B:Milner D,Kaplan P, 1983,Songs of England,Ireland and Scotland,Oak,New York F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs S:Joe Udall, Cumbrian Shepherd C:Norma Waterson and Martin Carthy M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:A E |A,2 B, C2 F |{C}E3 A,2 A |A2 G {G}B2 A |F3 z w:When first I come down York-shire, not man-y years a-go, GG |GGE G2 A |{A}B2 E EFF |(FE)A A2 C | B,3 w:Why, I met with a lit-tle York-shire girl and I'll have_ yez all to know {B,}C2 B, |A,2 B, C2 F |E2 A, z2 A |A2 G (BA)F | F3 z2 w:That she was so blithe, so bux-om, so beau-ti-ful_ and gay. A |AB z (AF)E |A2 {E}A B,2 C |C D2 C B, A, | A,3-A,2 z | w:Now lis-ten whilst_ I tell you what her dad-dy used_ to say_ {A,}C2 B, C2 F |E3 A,2 A |A2 B (BA)F | F3 z2 w:"Treat me daugh-ter de-cent. Don't do her an_ y harm A |G2 G G2 A |{A}B2 B E2 F |F2 A A C2 | B,3 z2 w:And when I die I'll leave you both me ti-dy lit-tle farm, B, |C2 B, C2 F |E2 F A,2 E |{E}A2 G B A F | F3 z2 w:Me cow, me pigs, me sheep and goat, me stock, me fields_ and barn A |A2 B A F2 |E A2 A,2 C |B,3-|B,3 A,3 z3 |] w:And all the lit-tle chick-ens in the gar-*den