%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Grey Selkie B:Palmer, Roy, 1998, A Book of British Ballads, Llanerch S:James Henderson Z:Alan Bruford F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:D A,2 |D2 F2 A2 E3/2D/ |C2 B,2 A,3 w:There lived a maid in the Nor-way lands: A, |D2 (FA) d2 (AF) | E2 F2 E2 w: "Hush ba loo_ lil-ly'_ she did sing: E2 |FF F2 E2 B,2 |E2 EE D2 w: 'I din-na ken where my babe's fath-er is ED |B,2 F2 (ED) B,2 | A,6 |] w: Or what land he tra-*vels in