%%scale 1 X:1 T:Rosemary Lane B: Purslow, F, (1968), The Wanton Seed, EDFS, London S:William Bartlett, Wimborne Union, Dorset, 1903 Z:Hammond D153 F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:3/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:DDor D2 |D2 A2 A2 |A2 G2 A2 |F2 (GF) E2 |D4 w:As I lived at serv-ice in Rose-ma-*ry Lane, D2 |D2 A2 A2 |A2 G2 A2 |F2 G2 E2 | D4 w: I gained the good-will of my mas-ter and dame; A2 |d2 A2 A2 |(d2 e2) d2 |c2 A2 F2 |(d2 c2) w:Sweet Will-liam came by_ one night for to lie;_ d2 |A2 F2 D2 |d2 A2 A2 |F2 GF E2 |D4 |] w:And that's the be-gin-ning of my mis-*er-y