%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:A-Nutting we will go B: Purslow, F, (1972), The Constant Lovers, EDFS, London S:John Northover, Uploders, Dorset, 1906 Z:Hammond Dt. 465 F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:F A2 |F2 A2 c2 c2 |(c2B2) G2 G2 |F2 A2 c2 c2 | (c4 A2) w:Come all you jol-ly fel-*lows and lis-ten to my song,_ c2 |c2 B2 B2 B2 |B2 A2 A2 A2 |B2 G2 F2 E2 | F6 w: It is a lit-tle dit-ty and it won't de-tain you long c2 |d2 e2 f2 d2 |d2 c4 c2 |d2 e2 f2 d2 | e6 w: It's of a brisk young dam-sel who liv-ed down in Kent c2 |c2 f2 f2 e2 |(d2e2) f2 c2 |c2 d2 c2 B2 | A4 w:And she rose one May morn-* ing and she a-nut-ting went A2 G2 |F2 F2 F2 F2 |F6 A2 |c2 c2 c2 c2 | c6 w:Then a-nut-ting we will go, a-nut-ting we will go B B |B2 B2 B2 B2 |B2 A2 A2 c2 |c2 B2 G2 G2 | F4 |] w:With a blue cock-ade all in our hats we'll cut a gall-ant show.