%%scale 1 X:1 T:Lemonday F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:Baring-Gould, A garland of Country Song, London 1895, (reprinted LLanerch) Z:Baring-Gould S:Samuel Gilbert, "The Falcon", Lanherne, N Cornwall. M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:F c2 |c2 d3/2 c/ c2 G A |B2 c B (AF) C w:As I was a-walk-ing one mid-sum-mer morn-*ing, c |c2 d c f2 e d | (cA) B c d3 w:The fields and the flow-ers were green* and were gay; c |e2 d c f2 e d |c2 B A (GE) F w: The birds and the blos-soms the sum-mer a-dorn-*ing, G |A3/2A/ F A (cB) A G | (Af) e d c2 z w:So ear-ly in the morn-*ing at break-*ing of day; c |e2 d c f2 e d |c2 B A (GE) F w:The world was a-wak-ing, all drow-si-ness scorn-*ing, G |A2 F A (cB) A F | (A2A4) G3/2 F/ |F4 |] w:I thought and I war-*bled of sweet* Le-mon-day.