%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Cropper's Song B:Palmer, R (1988),The Sound of History, Oxford, OUP S:George Dunn F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:D (A2F) |D2 F F2 A |A2 G G2 w:Come_ crop-per lads of high re-nown, C |C2 D E2 F | G2 F D2 w: Who love to drink good ale that's brown, A |A2 A B2 A |G G2 F2 w: And strike each haught-y ty-rant down D |E G2 B2 A | D3-D2 w: With hatch-et, pike and gun._ A/A/ |A A2 B2 B |A3 w:Oh the crop-per lads for me, z (FG) |A A2 B2 B | A3-A2 w:The_ gal-lant lads for me,* F/F/ |D2 F F2 A |G2 G F2 w: Who with lust-y stroke the shear frames broke, D |E G2 B2 A | D3 |] w:The crop-per lads for me