%%scale 1 X:1 T:Who's the fool now? B:Room for Company, ed Roy Palmer, Cambridge Press 1971, ISBN 0 521 8174 2 S:William Chapell,Popular Music of the olden times, 1859 F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G G2 G2 A2 |B2 B2 A2 |G4 F2 |G6 | w:Mar-tin said to his man, Fie, man, fie. A2 A2 B2 |c2 c2 B2 |A3 A ^G2 |A6 | w:Mar-tin said to his man, Who's the fool now? B2 d2 c2 |B3 A G2 |G2 GA BG |A2 F2 D2 | w:Mar-tin said to his man, Fill thou a cup and I the can. G2 G2 D2 |B,3 C D2 |B3 c A2 |G6 |] w:Thou hast well drunk-en man, Who's the fool now?