%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Beggars' Chorus in the Jovial Crew B:Palmer, R (1988),The Sound of History, Oxford, OUP F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:D c2 |d A A G F F (ED) |D E F G A4 | w:There was a jov-ial Beg-gar, he_ had a wood-en Leg; d2 d d d2 d d | e f g e f2 w:Lame from his Crad-le, and forc-ed for to Beg: e d |e3 d c2 (Bc) |d d c B A2 w: And a Beg-ging we will_ go, we'll go, we'll go, G F |(GA) B2 c3 d |d6 |] w:And a-beg-*ging we will go.