%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Sweet Primeroses B:One Hundred English Folksongs, Ed C Sharp, ISBN 0-486-23192-5 Z:Cecil Sharp F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:3/2 L:1/8 K:G B2 (cd) ed |B4 G3 A B2 AA |G4 D2 w:As I_ was a-walk-ing one mid-sum-mer morn-ing, B2 c2 cc |(B2A2) G2 EE F2 G2 | A6 w: A-view-ing the mead-*ows and to take the air, B2 (cd) e d |B4 G3 A B2 AA |G4 D2 w:'Twas down_ by the banks of the sweet prim-er-o-ses, A2 (GF) (ED) |(G2 B2) d2 c2 B2 A2 | G6 |] w:When I_ be-*held_ a most love-ly fair.