%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Unquiet Grave B:One Hundred English Folksongs, Ed C Sharp, ISBN 0-486-23192-5 S:Mrs William Ree at Hambridge, Somerset, 4th April 1904 Z:Cecil Sharp F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D F |G2 F B2 A | [M:9/8] [L:1/8] (FE) F D3 w:Cold blows the wind to my_ true love, d3 | [M:6/8] [L:1/8] c2 E (EF) G | A3-A2 w: And gen-tly drops_ the rain,_ A |d2 A (Bc) B | [M:9/8] [L:1/8] (AF) D E3 w: I nev-er had_ but one_ sweet-heart, (D2D) | [M:6/8] [L:1/8] (GA) B (AG) E | D3 w: And in green-_wood she_ lies slain, (D2D) |(GA) B (AG) E |D3-D2 |] w: And in green-_wood she_ lies slain. *