%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Hunting Priest B:Sam Henry's Songs of the People, edited by Gale Huntington S:From Michael McCloskey ("Paul Beg") (Cluntygeragh, Dungiven); 11 Feb 1928 F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/2 L:1/8 K:G D2|D2G2G2B2|c2B2A2G2|F4A2B2|d2G2G2B2| w:A doc-tor's merit no more em-ploys the bur-den of my song, sir, I'll w:He laughs and winks at him who drinks, I dare lay fif-ty pounds, sir, And c2B2A2B2|c2B2A2B2|c2B2A2G2|F4G2:| w:sing the life the priest en-joys with con-sti-tut-ion strong, sir, w: in the morn he sounds his horn to 'Tal-ly ho, the hounds, sir.' "Refrain"B,2D2D4|B,2D2D4|d2c2B2A2|G4D2D2| w:'Tal-ly ho, tal-ly ho, tal-ly ho, the hounds, sir, And B,2D2D2D2|B,2D2D2d2|c2B2A2F2|G4G2|] w:in the morn he sounds his horn to 'Tal-ly ho, the hounds, sir.'