%%scale 1 X:1 T:Jordan F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:A Garland of Country Song, S Baring Gould and H Fleetwood Sheppard, 1895 Z:S Baring-Gould M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Dm A2 |A2 BA c2 A2 |G2 AB A3 w:I looked in the East, I looked in the West, A |B2 AG F3/2E/ DE | F2 D4 w:For For-tune a chance to me ac-cord-in', A2 |A3/2A/ B3/2A/ c2 A2 |d3/2d/ e3/2d/ c2 w:But For-tune is a blind god fly-in' in the clouds, A2 |B3/2B/ A3/2 G/ F3/2E/ D3/2E/ |F2 D4 z2 | w:For-get-tin' me on this_ side o' Jor-don A2 B3/2c/ d2 c3/2B/ |A2 G3/2F/ A4 | w:Pull off you old coat, and roll up your sleeves, B2 A3/2G/ F2 E3/2D/ |E3/2D/ ^C3/2E/ D4 |] w:Life is a hard road to tra-vel I be-lieves