%%scale 1 X:1 T:A wassail, a wassail throughout all this town! B:The New Oxford Book of Carols S:Phil Tanner Z: Bert Lloyd F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/4 L:1/8 K:CDor G2|c2c2d2B2B2cd|e2e2f2d4e2| w:A was-sail, a was-sail th-rough-out all this town! Our c2c2d2 (3efe d2c2|B2G2G2G4G2| w:cup it is white - - and our ale it is brown Our c2c2d2B4(c d)|e2e2f2d4d2| w:was-sail is made of_ good ale and true. Some c2c2d2e2d2c2|B2G2G2(G2F2)E F| w:nut-meg and gin-ger, the best we could brew_Fol the G2G B =A G F2F A G F|E2E G F E D4C2| w:dol, fol the dol-dy dol, fol the dol-dy dol, fol the dol-dy dee, Fol F2E2F G _A2G2F2|G2[F2c2][D2B2][C2c4]|] w:dai-rol lol the dad-dy, sing too-ral aye do!