%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Lincolnshire Poacher M:6/8 L:1/8 K:C G|C2E G2G|(A2G) E2C|E2D C2B,|C3-C2E|G2G A2B|c3(BA)G|A2A A2E|G3-G2E|G2G A2B|c3(BA)G|A2A (AG)E|(G3G2)E/2E/2|C2E GGG|A2A AGC|D2E C2C|C3-C2|] w:When I was bound ap-pren_tice in fam-ous Lin-coln-shire_ Full well I served my mas-ter_ for more than sev-en year_ Till I took up with poach-ing,_ as you shall quick_ly hear_Oh! 'tis my de-light on a shi-ny night, in the sea-son of the year_