%%scale 1 X:1 T:Oats and Beans and Barley Grows S:East Tisted version, 1994 B:The Singing Game, ISBN 0-19-284019-3 Z:Peter and Iona Opie F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:12/8 L:1/8 K:D A2 A F2 D G2 B A3 |A2 A F2 D G2 B A2 A |d2 d c2 c BBB A2 A |G2 G F2 F E2 E D3 :| w:Oats and beans and bar-ley grow, Oats and beans and bar-ley grow, Do you or I or a-ny-one know How oats and beans and bar-ley grow? w:First the far-mer sows his seed, Then he stands and takes his ease, Sta-mps his feet and cla-ps his hand And turns him round to view the land B2 B B2 B A3 G3 |F2 G A2 F G3 B3 |B2 B B2 B A3 A2 B |=ccB A2 G F3/2E3/2 D3 | w:Wait-ing for a part-ner, Wait-ing for a part-ner, Wait-ing for a part-ner, So op-en the ring and let one in A2 A FFD G2 B A2 A |A2 A F2 D G2 B A2 A |d2 d c2 c B2 B A2 A |G2 G F2 F E2 E D3 | w:Now you're marr-ied you must ob-ey, You must be true to all you say; You must be kind, you must be good, And help your wife to chop the wood. d2 d c2 c BBB A2 A |G2 G F2 F E2 E D3 |] w:Chop it thin and car-ry it in, And kiss your part-ner in the ring